Follow these practical ways to get your feet out of the mud
Are you dispirited and unfocused?
Do you catch yourself being too harsh of a critic on your own actions?
Do you want to change how you think about yourself but feel lost?
If you found the above questions relatable, then there’s a good chance you’re stuck in a self-sabotaging mindset – one that revolves around negative thoughts that limit you from growing.
According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has around 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day, most in the form of self-talk, of which 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive.
While this self-talk is completely natural, its negative aspect fails to promote your overall well-being, whether physical or mental.
These negative thoughts can lead to feeling unmotivated to take action, because you don’t see your self-worth, which can increase the feeling of being
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